Debbie Bullivant
The epitome of "dynamite comes in small packages," Debbie Bullivant is passion personified. She founded Bullivant Accounting and Tax Services more than 25 years ago, and her values of transparency, truth, and trust form the foundation of our professional practice.
Debbie Bullivant has a wealth of knowledge, especially about business and tax optimization. She knows how to apply and implement this knowledge for you.
Debbie Bullivant advocates for full disclosure and being ahead of deadlines, some would say fanatical. This practice has given her clients confidence and peace of mind, knowing they are always compliant. Her clients are never late, and when selected by SARS for any tax audits, 99.9% of the time, the outcome is "no adjustment" and "no understatement penalties".
Debbie Bullivant believes in providing a quality, value-based service.
Her years of observing entrepreneurs inspired her to combine leadership coaching with accounting. She noticed many business owners blamed external factors for their failures or lack of progress. However, she discovered that these issues often stemmed from their own limiting beliefs, which they may not even be aware of.
As an accountant, she can provide financial know-how, but she also realized that leadership coaching would help them overcome these internal obstacles by addressing their limiting beliefs.

Our Passionate Practice
We look at your entire business, including your human capital, environment, and then your business model - not just the black and white numbers.
We don't provide services, we create solutions that solve your specific challenges and obstacles. We work with you to define a clear path, and then we help make the hard decisions necessary to reach this new end goal.
We're your ideal partner if you know you have a good business but you feel that the walls are closing in on you.